d. Fect “Reimagined Decks” Finger board REPLICA
¥3,800 税込
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d. Fect “Reimagined Decks”の指スケサイズレプリカ(木製土台付き)
Title: Search and Destroy
d. Fect is a self-taught artist, his art has been forged throughout his various quests, experiences, and encounters.
He considers his art as "defective" and therefore questions us on the perception of society. In his works, the evocation of death is often present.
Faces, skulls, skeletons, the use of sharp and contrasting colours.
As in most of his works you will see faces as well as a multitude of details.
An acrylic base to which is added collages…An internal psychology linked to the different external conflicts.
The implication of text in his works is a kind of hidden narrative, a hidden narration that allows us to tame the language used by the artist.
What does this reveal about his perception of our generation?
A new form of expressivity in a complex universe.
d. Fect
※ 実店舗でもしているため、タイミングにより在庫がなくなっている場合がございます。
¥3,800 税込